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Artdesk & Artspace Management
Artdesk & Artspace Management

how to manage a single user account, and an artspace account

Heather Shelton avatar
Written by Heather Shelton
Updated over a week ago

Difference Between ArtDesk & ArtSpace

For a detailed look at ArtSpaces and the ArtDesk, take a look at the video below or scroll on for the written guide:


This is a designated space for your personal artwork that is organized into the #My Artworks channel. This content is private to you, unless you've invited someone to join a designated canvas.' The user who has joined your canvas will only have visibility and access to this specific canvas.'

This example shows a Magma account that has an Artdesk & Artspace.
The Artdesk icon is always located in the very top left area
of the screen.

If your account is upgraded to Blaze Plan, the Artdesk icon will
be Red & White. If you have a Basic Plan, the Artdesk icon will
be Gray & White.

  • Clicking on the Artdesk icon in the top most left of the screen, here you will find your 'Recent' canvas' listed at the top, and your entire canvas' collection listed below in 'My Artworks'. Clicking on any canvas these will load into view for editing.

  • Your Artdesk provides instructions on how to find friends to draw with, by clicking on the #Drawing buddies channel, below #My artworks.

  • Other Magma users cannot access or see your #My artwork content, only canvas' they have been invited to by you.

  • Any user invited to a designated canvas' will continue to have access to see and edit within this space unless they are removed by you, or this canvas' is removed from their own account.

*To learn how to invite & remove others from your canvas, see the "Invitations & Members Management" section below.


This is a designated space for shared collaborative artwork that is accessible to friends or team members who have been invited into the Artspace.

This example shows an Artspace icon for a Magma account that hosts 
an Artdesk & Artspace.

The Artspace icons are always located below the Artdesk icon
in the top left of the screen.
  • Here you have the ability to create individual projects that function as folders, where multiple canvas' can be hosted, and will be accessible to any user who has been invited into the Artspace.

  • A user can be a member of multiple Artspaces, that will be listed below the Artdesk on the left side of your screen.

  • ArtSpace Owners & Admin accounts have the ability to invite or remove members from the ArtSpace.

*To learn how to invite & remove others from your ArtSpace and ArtSpace canvas', see the "Invitations & Members Management" section below.

Where is my Drawing?

Accessing your drawings or Canvas' content is easy to find! Navigation to your content will depend on whether or not you are looking to find these in your personal ArtDesk, or your Artspace for teams.

Artdesk Instructions:

  1. Click on the Artdesk in the top left corner of your screen

  2. Click on #My artworks

  3. Click on any Canvas' to load into view

Artspace Instructions:

  1. Click on the Artspace created by you or your team members

  2. Click on a #Project to open

  3. Here you will find all canvas' artworks created within the designated project. Click on an existing canvas to open for editing

  4. Create a new canvas within this project by clicking New Canvas button

Invitations & Members Management

Artdesk Canvas

The Artdesk is your designated space for all personal artwork canvas' which are private to you, unless you've invited someone to join.

There are multiple ways to invite friends and colleagues to your canvas. Here listed below are the various options available:

1.) Invitations From an Active Canvas

This method allow invitations to be sent while your canvas is currently active.

  • Click to open a canvas from #My Artworks.

  • In the top right of your screen > click 'Invite.'

  • Here you can set a password to access the link, or simply copy/paste the link to send directly to friends and colleagues.

2.) Invitations from #My Artworks

This method of inviting friends and colleagues allows you to invite members without the need to open the canvas.

  • Click on #My artworks. In this view you will see your recent canvas' at the top, and a list of all canvas' below.

  • In the '#My artworks' list of canvas' > click the 'Actions Menu' on the right hand side > 'Share.'

  • Here you can set a password to access the link, or simply copy/paste the link to friends and colleagues.

  • Within the 'Action Menu' you also have the option to click 'Copy Drawing Link' at the bottom for a quicker copy selection, to paste and share with friends and colleagues.

    *This option does not provide access to set a password.  

Artspace Invitations General Information

This is a designated space for shared collaborative artwork that is accessible to friends or team members who have been invited into the Artspace. This means that anyone who has been invited to the Artspace, will already have access to all canvas's within the Artspace, removing the need to invite members to a canvas.

Sending invitations to any canvas that exists within an Artspace 
requires the recipient of the invitation to be a member of the

If you are having issues inviting someone to a canvas within
the Artspace, see the troubleshooting section below

Artspace Member Designations & Permissions

Owner (can)

  • View Artspace settings including details, access, members, bans, roles, and billing

  • Assign & change member roles

  • Remove members

  • Invite members

  • Control all canvas' actions including create, duplicate, export, and delete.

  • Full control to transfer ownership of the artspace to another account.

    *Where an Artspace needs to be linked to a different email 
    address/account, this method allows ownership to be transferred
    to a different member within the Artspace.

Admin (can)

  • View Artspace settings including details, access, members, bans, roles, and billing

  • Assign & change member roles

  • Remove members

  • Invite members

  • Control all canvas' actions including create, duplicate, export, and delete.

Everyone (can)

  • Control all canvas' actions including create, duplicate, export, and delete.

*All new members who have been invited to an Artspace will be 
automatically designated as an 'Everyone' user role. To learn how
to assign different roles, see the "Artspace Member & Role
Management" section below

How to Invite Members to an Artspace

There are multiple ways to invite new members to an Artspace. Here below are the various options available.

1.) Artspace landing page

  • Logged in as an Artspace 'Owner' or 'Admin' > click on the Artspace icon on the top left hand side. (The top left Magma icon is your Artdesk, not your Artspace)

  • In 'Users' section in the bottom left of the screen > click the {+} button

  • Copy/paste the provided link to your friends and colleagues to join the Artspace

2.) Artspace Drop Down Menu Invitation

  • Logged in as an Artspace 'Owner' or 'Admin' > click on the Artspace icon on the top left hand side. (The top left 'Magma' icon is your Artdesk, not your Artspace)

  • Click the Artspace drop down menu arrow > Invite users

  • Copy/paste the provided link to your friends and colleagues to join the Artspace

3.) Artspace Settings Invitation

  • Logged in as an Artspace 'Owner' or 'Admin' > click on the Artspace icon on the top left hand side. (The top left 'Magma' icon is your Artdesk, not your Artspace)

  • Click the Artspace drop down menu arrow > Settings

  • Click the Invite users button on the right hand side

  • Copy/paste the provided link to your friends and colleagues to join the Artspace


If you are attempting to invite a non - Artspace member to join a canvas that exists within an Artspace, you will receive this message:

  • To resolve this issue, go to "How to Invite Members to an Artspace" section and follow steps to send invitation to the designated user to join the Artspace.

  • Once the user has successfully join the Artspace, they will be able to self navigate to the canvas location, or you can simply send an invitation to the canvas directly.

Artspace Member & Role Management

Once you have invited your friends and colleagues into the Artspace, within the Artspace settings you have the ability to assign & remove member roles, to provide unique permission controls to fit the needs of your team.

Only Artspace 'owners' & 'admin' members have the ability to view 
settings, and assign or change roles.

1.) How to Assign Artspace Roles

  • Logged in as an Artspace 'Owner' or 'Admin' > click on the Artspace icon on the top left hand side. (The top left 'Magma' icon is your Artdesk, not your Artspace)

  • Click the Artspace drop down menu arrow > Settings > Members

  • For the designated user > click the + button under 'Roles' > Here you can assign the member role as Admin, Manager, or Artist

  • Additionally, on the right side of the screen > select the member 'Action Menu' > click 'Set roles'

  • A window will be provided to assign select role options

2.) How to Modify Users Artspace Roles

  • Logged in as an Artspace 'Owner' or 'Admin' > click on the Artspace icon on the top left hand side. (The top left 'Magma' icon is your Artdesk, not your Artspace)

  • Click the Artspace drop down menu arrow > Settings > Members

  • For the designated member > Hover over the role > click the {X} button to remove

  • Additionally, on the right side of the screen > select the designated member 'Action Menu' > click 'Set roles'

  • A window will be provided to assign select role options. Any previously assigned roles will be selected within this menu.

3.) How to Transfer Ownership of an Artspace to Another Member

  • Logged in as an Artspace 'Owner' > click on the Artspace icon on the top left hand side. (The top left 'Magma' icon is your Artdesk, not your Artspace)

  • Click the Artspace drop down menu arrow > Settings > Members

  • Select the designated member 'Action Menu' > click 'Transfer Ownership'

Once the ownership of the Artspace has been changed, only the 
new Owner of the account has the ability to change or modify
this permission control.


  1. Failed to transfer ownership

  • Only the 'Owner' account has the ability to transfer ownership to another member in the Artspace.

  • If you have received this notification while attempting to transfer ownership, this means that your account is currently not designated as the Artspace 'Owner'.

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