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[Beta] AI Assistant
Wojtek Jodel avatar
Written by Wojtek Jodel
Updated over a week ago

Responsible AI: Read through our AI Manifesto to learn more about our Mission with AI tools

Private Beta: This feature is currently available only to selected beta testers. If you'd like to get access, let us know.


Magma AI is a tool that expands your artistic toolset and helps your to overcome art blocks, visualise ideas faster and speed up the overall design process. Magma AI is intended to be an extension of your art skills, and best results are achieved when you use it in collaboration with other drawings tools provided by our platform. 

Accessing AI Assistant

Please note that AI feature is only enabled for artists taking part in our Beta program. If you'd like to join and get access, let us know.

  1. Request access to beta

  2. Once you receive confirmation that you're part of the Beta program, once you open the canvas you will see small "AI cloud" icon in the toolbar:

  3. When you use Magma AI for the first time, you'll see a modal with the terms of use and you'll have accept them to get started.

Tool settings

The parameters available in AI tools can be divided into two groups:

  • AI settings - allow you to fine-tune subject and style of the output

  • Output settings - define the quantity and quality of the received results

AI settings

Below you will find our simplified guides for Magma's AI settings. For a more complete guide on stable diffusion settings & breakdowns, see this article
The Most Complete Guide to Stable Diffusion Parameters

Please note the some values might only be visible in specific AI modes and/or with "Advanced" settings tab enabled, as specified in the table below



Supported modes

AI mode selection

Allows you to switching between operation modes: Render / Variants / Inpaint / Outpaint

Each mode is described in detail below


Layout options

Options to customize the AI tools look and behaviour, described in details below


Render from

Helps AI to understand what content will be rendered (drawing or photo)

If "Empty layer" is selected, AI will ignore canvas content and generate image based solely on prompt



Higher value means that the end result will vary from the original artwork more

Variants, Inpaint


Higher value means that AI will stick to the text prompt more strictly


Advanced settings

Button to toggle advanced settings on and off



Computation formula applied to generation algorithm resulting in different visual styles of the end result

(advanced settings)


Random number that automatically changes with each new generation and guarantees that the next result will be different from the previous one.

(advanced settings)

Seed lock

Prevents the seed from being automatically updated.

Tip: Useful for testing impact of different settings, for example by locking seed and choosing different samples

(advanced settings)

Mask blur

Defines how much should the mask be blurred in order to blend the result into surroundings more smoothly

Inpaint, Outpaint
(advanced settings)

Negative prompt

Textual description of things that should not appear in output.

Sample negative prompt: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, cropped, low quality, blurry, out of frame


Prompt history

Button to open prompt history window



Textual description of what artwork should be added to the canvas.

Sample prompt: cute dog, portrait, blurry background, vivid light, illustration, high quality

Tip: Check this article for more information on how to write AI prompts


Output settings

Number of results

How many outputs should be generated simultaneously to choose from

Generation resolution

Resolution of the generated image. Higher resolution requires more time.

Number of steps

Number of refinement step done by the AI, higher number usually produces higher quality result, but requires more time.

Generate button

Starts the generation process

Time estimate

Estimate on how long it will take to generate all the results.

Tip: All the parameters above affect the generation time. Lower chosen params to receive results faster.

Layout options

Pixel Perfect

Helps to improve quality of AI analysis of the existing canvas content in the Render Mode

Show backdrop

Turns the dark backdrop around AI bounding box area on/off

Use different settings for each mode

If enabled, all the AI settings will not be copied when switching between AI modes

Switch mode when applying settings from history

Makes it easier to apply settings shown in Prompt History, as it allows not only to copy parameters, but also switch the mode in a single action

Reset all settings

Resets all the setting to default value

General flow

  1. Add necessary canvas content and frame it in bounding box

  2. Adjust prompt and parameters

  3. Wait for results

  4. Choose best result and click "Accept"

    Optionally, while the results list is open, it's also possible to right-click any of the results and select additional options from the dropdown menu:

    1. Accept: The same as green "Accept" button, closes result list and places selected result on current layer

    2. Clone to layer below/above: creates a new layer and places on layer above (useful when we want to keep more than 1 result)

    3. Remove: deleted results from the list

AI modes

Render mode


Render mode allows you quickly polish your drafts or render photos in entirely different style, while preserving your original shapes, lines, and contours. It's useful for:

  • quicker ideation and brainstorming

  • texture and colors inspiration

  • speeding up creation of game / animation assets

You can optionally also use a prompt without any visual input, which can additionally help with generating reference images or textures.


Variants mode


Variants mode generates multiple slightly different versions of your artwork while retaining certain amount of reference to the original idea. It's useful for:

  • adjusting style of your artwork

  • generating more design inspirations

  • creating multiple versions of game / animation assets

Pro tip: Try adjusting the "strength" parameter to adjust how far the variants differ from the original


Inpaint mode


Inpaint mode helps you to quickly add characters or objects to your existing artwork, providing you with a useful color and lighting information. It's useful for:

  • adding elements to your existing images

  • generating objects as a base for further overpaint


Watch a video guide

Please note that this video was made in previous version of Magma AI tool, so your user interface might look slightly different. Please refer for the tool settings description above for details.

Important: the methods of drawing the mask has changed - it's now possible to draw mask directly in the AI tool rather than having to create mask as on a separate layer.

Outpaint mode


Outpaint mode allows you to fill in blank space on the canvas with the described objects. It's useful for:

  • changing composition of your artworks

  • building out your ideas from multiple smaller pieces


Watch a video guide

Please note that this video was made in previous version of Magma AI tool, so your user interface might look slightly different. Please refer for the tool settings description above for details.

Prompt history

Users can open prompt history by clicking "History" button in the AI tool settings:

Prompt history allows everyone to see what prompts were used for a given artwork previously. The list is updated in real time and contains prompts of all users.

By default only prompts from current sessions are shown, but it's possible to load previous sessions as well by clicking "Load previous sessions" link:

AI attribution system

As pointed out in our AI Manifesto, we believe that ability to distinguish between human-made and AI-made artworks is essential and it is a very important component of building ethical AI systems.

In Magma, we're tracking how exactly was the AI used to achieve final results by marking each layer with a relevant icon.

Right now, the attribution system is limited to a couple of options:

  • AI-generated - "Render" mode was used on this layer at some point in the past. It means that is no other additions were made, the layer might be in large part a result of AI generation.

  • AI-assisted - "Variants", "Inpaint" or "Outpaint" mode was used in the past on this layer. It means that the artists workflow included use the AI tools, but most likely majority of work was performed directly by the artist.

  • Imported - User has pasted an external image onto the layer. We're not able to track what happens outside of Magma, so this might mean any origin of the pasted image (artists own work, downloaded image, result from other AI systems, etc).

  • If various modes and methods were used on the same layer, it will have all of them listed in the tooltip:

If layer or drawing is duplicated, the information above is copied along as well.

In the future we'll be looking into expanding this system to provide even more granularity around how AI Assistant was used in each canvas.

It's also possible to understand the extent to which AI was used on a given canvas by opening the Prompt History window, which lists all previous AI generations along with their respective prompts.


I'm getting error telling me some words are restricted

There are some keywords which are not allowed in the prompt field - these might include both living artists & studios names, as well as some other NSFW or sensitive content.

You can read more about Magma prompt limitations here:

I'm getting "Failed to generate drawing error"

This means that AI tool was not able to generate an image for you, and there might be a couple of reasons:

  • NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content -- we don't allow imagery generating nudity, gore, or any other controversial subject. Most of the time this will happen if you try to include or suggest such things in the prompt -- but sometimes it might also happen randomly, in which case you can try again to see if the problem disappears.

  • Non-optimal input -- since AI is usually trained using images with square or rectangular shape, it might sometimes generate unexpected results when tasked to create imagery with an unusual shape or ratio. If you keep getting error while having a selection which is for example very long or wide in shape, try adjusting it and trying again.

  • Wrong parameters -- another cause for the error might be issue with AI input, for example: tool expected to receive some pixel input, but the canvas is empty. In that case please check cheatsheet section for the relevant mode to make sure you've provided all the required input

Some of my results are not showing up

Sometimes a result might be qualified as NSFW by our filter, in which case preview will be impossible, and we will display a sad Pyro icon instead:

Similarly as in the question above, it might mean that prompt contained some NSFW content, but it also can happen randomly in some cases. In most cases adjusting the prompt and/or retrying will solve the issue.

It takes very long time to generate an image

First of all, please check your parameters -- high resolution and high number of steps might result in generation taking much longer.

Secondly, the waiting time might depend on number of artists currently using the system. Although we're doing our best to keep the times low for everyone, in case of higher than usual traffic you might expect some delays.

That said, if you regularly expect waiting times longer than 1 minute, it might be a technical issue -- feel free to contact our tech support.

I keep getting the same results all the time, nothing changes

It most likely means that you've "locked" the generation seed so that each run of the algorithm returns the same results. Please see the "Tool parameters" section above to see where the Seed lock option is located and disable it.

I'm receiving weird / distorted results

It's usually difficult to tell what causes the distortion, but here's a list of things to try:

  • If using selection, make sure it's rectangular, or even better, square

  • Try adjusting your prompt by rephrasing it, removing unnecessary elements, etc

  • Use lower quality resolution (higher resolution is currently known to sometimes cause issues, we're working on a fix)

  • If your Steps parameter is very low, try a higher setting

  • If your Guidance setting is very low, try a higher setting

If using the variants mode:

  • Make sure that current selection includes as little as possible of transparent area - the canvas or selection should be fully filled in for best results

  • If the variants differ too much from the original image, try using a lower Strength setting

If using the inpaint mode:

  • Try to make sure that the mask of inpainted element fits as much as possible into the current perspective of the drawing, and a realistic size (for example: mice is way smaller than a bear)

If using the outpaint mode:

  • Make sure that on top of transparent area that will be filled in, there's also enough of non-transparent area in the selection, as it will be used by the AI to determine the context and style of generated image

🛟 Need more help?

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