Magma on iPad
Wojtek Jodel avatar
Written by Wojtek Jodel
Updated over a week ago

Recommended browser: Safari

Recommended memory: 4 GB RAM

Before you start

1. Make sure you're using the Safari browser and check if it's updated to the latest version

2. Connect your Apple Pencil

3. Go to Apple Pencil settings and disable the Scribble feature

4. If you're in Low Power mode, switch it off

5. For a better experience, check out the gestures section below


List of available gestures

- *Two-finger tap* — Undo

- *Three-finger tap* — Redo

- *Pinch* — Zoom in / zoom out

- *Pinch & Twist* — Rotate canvas

- *Two-finger swipe* — Pan canvas

- *Touch —* you can choose touch behavior by going to `Edit → Application Settings → Touch` and selecting one of the following options:

- *Behave like stylus* — allows you to draw with your finger

- *Behave like eraser* — allows you to quickly erase with your finger regardless of the selected tool

- *Do nothing* — ignores touch for drawing, additionally allows flipping canvas with *double tap*

*Palm rejection* is enabled by default.

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